School equipment for Zhytomyr Lyceum №25

Zhytomyr Lyceum № 25 was severely damaged as a result of the aerial bombardment that took place in Zhytomyr on the 4th of March. We are very grateful to our friends from Holland, who donated school furniture for it: desks, chairs, cabinets, digital boards, etc. Now students of the 25th Lyceum will be able to continue their studies in well-equipped classrooms that will be prepared for them in various institutions.

Address help

6 tons of flour

We thank the caring people from Rivne who gave us 6 tons of flour. They were equally distributed between the Bereziv Psychoneurological Boarding School of the Zhytomyr Regional Council and the Khoroshiv Psychoneurological Boarding School of the Zhytomyr Regional Council.

Help for war victims


This is a short photo report about a trip to the villages of the Kyiv region liberated from the Russian occupiers. We collected food, medicine, clothes, bedding, bread, and other essentials for people there.

There are no shops, hospitals, or pharmacies in these villages because everything was destroyed. So people are able to survive only thanks to volunteer help.

In the last photos, you can see what the Russians brought to the land of Ukraine.

Help for war victims

Humanitarian aid from the Netherlands

“House of bread” received another humanitarian cargo from the Netherlands.

One part of this cargo is modern medical equipment, such as an ultrasound machine, a modern mobile X-ray machine, a blood pressure monitor, detergents, hospital beds, and many more. The ultrasound machine was transferred to 2 hospitals in Zhytomyr, and other medical equipment was transferred to hospitals in Baranivka and Pulyna in the Zhytomyr Region.

The second part of the humanitarian cargo is 5.6 tons of bread. Some bread was delivered to the territory that was in the war zone and under Russian occupation. And some was transferred to Teteriv united territorial community, a boarding house, the Ovruch City Council, the Zhytomyr Territorial Center for Social Assistance, and other organizations that help the needy.

Medical programs

We thank our partners from the Netherlands for their regular help with food, utensils, and different medical equipment!

The aid was distributed among Lyubar, Chudniv and Novohrad-Volynsky hospitals of Zhytomyr region.

Medical programs

We thank our partners from the Fund for Aid to Eastern Europe of the Reform Society (SOEGG) for the next humanitarian goods with medical equipment and consumables for medical institutions.

The goods have been unloaded and distributed among Zhytomyr hospitals №1 and №2, regional children’s hospital, oncology hospital, hospitals of Korostyshiv, Novohrad-Volynskyi, Berdychiv, Ovruch, Pulin, Chudniv, Malyn, and others.